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Wrong journal entry-prevents unlock of special mission


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Hi all,


I have been replaying this game during Xmas vacations- very nice! Reading the boards I noticed there was a special mission that could be unlocked and tried it. Did not work however. More specifically, when completing the Finish border mission, I speak with the Hammer operative OK, and he talks about the factory, BUT... In the Journal, the entry that appears is about Smoke ! So, even if I do the other two required missions (mine archive and valhalla), the Poland mission with ABRS is not unlocked.


Anybody out there with a suggestion ? I thought about

1- doing the Smoke mission before the Finnish border, in hope the journal will now be correct (doing it after the finnish border did not help)

2- using some magic console instruction to fix the journal


Help appreciated,



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Hi again,


sorry for late answer (quite intense week at work :) )


Smoke is the ennemy NPC in the "GodFather" mission, where you arrive with your team in a trains yard and are "ambushed" by some guys with (mostly) knives and mine shovels. This mission is one of the three others you can choose from the Finnish border one. Apparently the end of the Finnish border and the end of the mission with Smoke are mixed up...


I hope this clarifies



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Ah! Sorry, been a while since I played hence the confusion....


I confess that I always play the border mission before I play the Godfather mission, so I have never noticed a connection. All I remember of the border mission is that the bloke you "rescue" is/was the head of Hammer operations in Russia and that he was being escorted to the factory where the mechanical soldiers are being built. This is the first hint in the game about it as you don't know what the secret document is in the mines mission right at the start.

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you are right. I also played the border mission first, and the character talked to me at the end and gave me the information you mentionned. But the entry in the journal is wrong (whereas, for the peenemunde archives mission, the journal mentions a cyphered message I found and also says it was sent to the analytical section).


I assume this is why the mechanical soldier mission in Poland does not unlock.


So, any knowledge of a console command to fix the journal ?





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  • 2 weeks later...
I assume this is why the mechanical soldier mission in Poland does not unlock.
Dunremember how "the metalman" mission can be opened (once it opened to me while playing).


So, any knowledge of a console command to fix the journal ?
You can open the zone to Poland chapter via ScenarioAddVisibleZone( "Secret" )

or begin the zone via BeginZone( "Secret" ).


These may cause some problems to campaign or maybe not... I haven't tried but the S3's "block system" is quite brittle --> Remember to save before a cheat. I think and hope that the secret zone can be opened and played at anytime - so, you can get the metal monster dude and some good stuff early in the game.

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  • 1 year later...

(been a few years since I posted!)



So I'm polishing my walkthrough of S3 and found a bizarre version on this bug (of wrong journal entry).


I was being painstaking and (idiotically?) thorough.














I tried "Pen" then "Border"; it produced the journal bug... so that's a confirmation.

I tried "Godfather" then "Border"; it produced the journal bug... so that's another confirmation.

I tried "Corrupt Official" then "Border"; it produced the journal bug... so that's third confirmation.

Please note that I started each pairing above with the initial mission choices from Boris, in which one is given the choice among four missions; I successfully completed the first mission listed in the pairing then successfully completed "Border". After each bugged result of "Border", I re-loaded the game where I have choice of all four missions again.


As you can probably predict from the thread, I then played "Border" first, expecting that I could proceed without the bug yet it resulted in the journal bug!


So now I'm having to regress (which means re-playing "Act of Terrorism") to see how I can avoid triggering the bug.


I'm playing the American / English Gold Edition (no actual version listed on the menu) and in previous plays of S3, I played "Border" first (coincidentally due to my preference to go for high cash pay-out missions when given a choice by the major or Boris).


I suspect that with the lack of detailed help available to the original poster from the boards, I don't expect any advice of others (other than to either do what I'm doing or to move on and trigger the factory mission later via console), but if someone has gone down this path, your advice would be appreciated.


Best regards.


(and happy holidays!)

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