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First interview with the IDEA games team...


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And some news about AS (in english):


Hi everyone,


I'll try to comment and answer your questions about UFO: Afterlight at times.

Understand - my task is to manage our project (as I mailed to Slaughter), so don't be annoyed if my response won't come immediately.


Some comments about company:

We won't release any other patch of Aftershock, Cenega won't pay for it. We offer a support to actual extent and we can't do more.

What does IDEA, which member we are, you can see here https://www.idea-games.com/

IDEA sold our project to Cenega so we can continue with brand UFO: After...


Some comments about Afterlight: I shouldn't spoil too many

Humans really don't know there is another race or collony on Mars.

At one of the end of the game there will be atmosphere and scant flora on the surface. Before that your stuff need to wear appropriate protective suit.

We focused on story and its character. It means not to have many generated missions but less specially prepared ones.


(I hope my English is understandable enough )




Was quouted from the UFO boards, Cenega prepare to get boycotted.

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