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I dont know, this game is so old and so addictive. I've had Medal of Honour unplayed for a month next to my PC because I'm taken up fighting Snakemen.


I was in a terror sight last night and the Cryssalids were in force. I was trying to Psi a zombie (the things the Cryssalids turn the people in to) and suddenly thought I dont ever remembering capturing one of those things...can you?

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No, but you can put one in containment via an editor (curiously enough, you can put civilians in too). I don't think they can be researched though.


You can temporarily recruit chryssalids into X-Com with the zombies just for the duration of the battle. Mind control a zombie and get it killed on the same turn. The newly hatched chryssalid will be yours for the rest of the battle by the next turn.




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Well, you can't really capture and research zombies. However, when I was young boy (I played the silver ball... haha - name the song) I used to think that you could. I thought that after you research them you could manufacture "Garlic Grenades" in order to kill the zombie and prevent the chrysalid from hatching. Heh, pretty crazy ideas, but wouldn't that be cool? :bomber:
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Well, there is one close alternative to your garlic grenades.


If the killing blow dealt to the zombie was done with an incendiary shell or rocket, the chryssalid will hatch and then die instantly. I have no idea why this is so. But it has to be done on the killing blow -- though I've never quite checked to see if the same applies to when letting the zombie burn to death.


Mmm, garlic... I hear they're not fond of steaks too. :(



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The zombie has a hand-to-hand attack similar to that of the reaper and the silacoid.


The game sometimes forgets to drop the units equipment when he or she is zombified; any AI unit will know how to use whatever weapons they have in their inventory (unless the unit has a HWP/Terror unit turret-type weapon assigned to it, which the unit will use by default).


The equipment can sometimes carry over to when zombies hatch into chryssalids. So don't be surprised if you see a bolt of lightning suddenly come flying out of their cheery smiles. :(



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well i've never actually attempted to catch a zombie, i hate those things unless they are dead; all the way dead. but just for safe measure every time i knock off a crysiloid i throw a grenade on it and blow up the corpse cause i've noticed that sometimes they just bluff dying..........you can guess the results that have happened in the past. WHOLE units 4-8 men, dead because of one crysiloid thingy. the only thing to do then is prime a grenade and hold it, and hopefully it kills the zombie and leaves the crysiloid.


garlic grenades huh?? now i don't know if i'd use them on zombies.......but they would work good against annoying life controlling mothers..........oh and they'd also work excellently with pots of pasta!! yum yum!

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It's a good idea to get into the habit of examining Chryssalid corpses if you aren't sure. Helps save a few explosives that way. Just rush up to them and pick up their body to check if it's really a corpse.


Aliens don't let off their death screams when they gets stunned by anything, so you can get a pretty good idea of which bodies to examine.



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If you "kill" them with a blaster it is hard to tell though (sometime several aliens are caught in blast and one dies and the other is stunned).


As for the chryssalid having a gun, I've never had that happen as a bug in the game. Only time I've seen that is when I MC'ed one and picked up a gun.

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You'll lose control of the newly hatched chryssalid for the rest of the turn, but it shouldn't be able to do anything. It's yours for the rest of the mission when the next turn starts.


It doesn't matter who kills the zombie while it's under X-Com mind control, the chryssalid will hatch as an alien. But the game forgets to wipe the flag that reminds it that the unit is currently under mind control, so by the next turn, it'll invert the chryssalid's alliance flag from alien to X-Com when it removes the mind control flags from all the MC'd units.



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