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That wretched demo

Bomb Bloke

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*wanders into the Email X-Com section of the forum*


Phew, it's dusty in here.




Ya, where was I? Ah yes, Email X-Com.


Once in a blue moon I remember this title and hunt around for it.


Now, I don't really know what the deal with this thing is, as I understand it, the servers are all down, or something. However, I gather there was a demo. There's links all over the web linking to it... However, many hours of fruitless labor always result in dead links. Given that I've been searching for a few years now, I guess my chances are going down all the time.


So my point is, does it even exist? And if so, does anyone around here have it? And if that is the case, could I (finally) have a copy of it, so I can see what it's all about? :blink:

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Heh. Getting with the times eh? :blink:


Basically, I think it worked something like LSN works now. In order to start the game, you needed the CD in the drive, but to recieve turns, you did not. I'm not sure if this qualifies as your demo version, as the game is so small, but its essentially the same program.


Email Doug and see if he's got some more copies... he had them floating around a while ago.

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I dunno what the demo version is, all I know that all the links to it are dead. I'll PM Doug, thanks. :blink:


Ooh, I found a recent thread in here! Looks like I'm not the only person in here in the last few months, and it would also seem Email X-Com is still useable... Well whadaya know. :)

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