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How do you get the Security stations to work?


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From personal experience, I don't think I've ever seen them work in turn based combat. But in real-time combat, they start shooting automatically the moment an enemy comes into view.



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I believe it's 3. But I've seen the guns in more than three modules operating before.


I think only the nearest 12 turrets can operate at any given time, as I've seen turrets that were not shooting come to life after some turrets in other modules got destroyed.



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  • 1 month later...
from waht ive heard, its got something to do with the power supply or something...of course, this is the reason, and they did that (i think) so that u can't just make a string of security stations around the entrances and blast all the aliens/hostile units. is this true with advanced sec stations as well?
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*nods* yes, 3 stations are the limit, be they standard, or advanced.

supposedly its cause of power supply or summut like that.... which of course is a load of rubbish, what with disruptors being self powering, but anyway... the reall reason is because each gun takes up an agent slot. Notice how you can only have a total of 24 agents and scientists in a base defence mission? the other 12 slots are reserved for the defence stations.

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I still wonder if the deactivated guns come to life after the ones nearest the enemies get destroyed. It appeared that way in the last few base defence missions I've had. At least, from experience, none of the extra modules (beyond the initial 3) have ever failed me.


But I'm still not sure.


I don't know why, but I find it's terribly difficult to encourage a base attack in Apocalypse. Especially against the base you want attacked.


An experiment beckons...




Blast! My plasma security stations are too powerful. Even I had my own agents with dual power swords each helping the raiders by chopping the active guns down... the first three gun stations were just too much for the alien shields and the mission was over before I knew it. Oh well, a few more attempts should help. Maybe I should use XED to augment the attackers' stats a bit...


One other thought: Perhaps if you don't have very many units at a base, more of the guns will be active? I mean, they do use a single agent slot, and I realise most of my previous base attacks were against a bare skeleton crew of two soldiers, but with a heck of a lot of plasma stations.



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*Retrieves the tome of knowledge (aka official strategy guide)*


hmm... "up to 12 spaces are reserved for security guns ( the guns on base security stations). Each gun on each security station takes up one of the twelve spaces. If not all available spaces are used by security guns, the remaining slots are filled with agents and scientists"


this would seem to indicate that if there are more than twelve guns then the extras just won't be spawned as units, merely scenery..... but i think experementation is in order.

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I actually saw a patch out there which enables all security stations to work, but the game goes incredibly slow when you got 24 soldiers and 13 stations. (Just one more than normal!)


P.S. I'm sure that if you have less than 24 soldiers the extra spaces are taken by the stations, although you have to wait a couple of seconds before the extra ones (The that make the number of stations over 12) fire.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

yeah...i learned a valuable tip....only place security stations around your lift...cover all openings around your lift with them....most of the time,raiders come in only through there...there is no need to go turn based then...just set it to real time and watch them do a massacre....if u have a vehicle repair bay though....u might wanna cover it with some well armed men....but security stations?only use around all sides of the lift...





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  • 1 month later...
Personally I've never noticed some guns not firing, advansed or not. The hostiles come in thru your lift first then the last few come in thru your bays. So put them next 2 each other, then surround them with security stations. :laugh: That is what an alien sees as they come in :power:
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R u doing it in Turn based or real time. In real time they fire as soon as they see the aliens then the aliens stop and try 2 destroy the stations. In Turn based they fire once a turn. U cant stop Sci getting spawned b4 soldiers, its just one of the more homosexual points of the game. :power:
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I don't know. It would work easily on aliens, but alien raids are very rare as it is (depending on how well you do). Human attacks are more common, and they suffer very little from anti-alien toxin. Yes, they do die if you pump enough Toxin-C into them, but it would still be a little impractical.


Now, a stun gas chamber would be more more useful for shield collection. Say each nozzle has infinite ammo, but it needs to charge up the ammo meter before it can making an attack. Stun gas is released (or a stun bomb is fired) every time an enemy comes within proximity of the station. To balance things up, the recharge rate shouldn't be too fast. You'd still need to have some soldiers come by and collect the shields. A non-lethal security station. Sounds like something Megapol might use.


Heck, what about a psionic amplification security station? Move some of your hybrids to the station and have them use consoles (on the lower floor) to man the turrets. The stations then act just like mind benders, but with the benefit of a massive psi-energy recharge rate and automatic psionic attacks on any enemy in proximity (oh, let's say a random psi attack, just to spice things up).


Still, any of these stations would be a bit overkill. The stun-gas station would just put everyone to sleep. The other one... well, I don't really know how the psi station would fare.




edit: Blast doors. Lockable blast doors. Now there's a security feature that would've done quite nicely. They would only delay the inevitable, but that extra time can be put to a lot of good use (such as getting the non-combat units to safety (and stunning them! (the AI prefers to target concious targets first, it seems)))

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