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Short Character Guide to Silent Storm (includes spoilers)


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Short Character Guide to Silent Storm (ver 0.9)

By Zernia



When you are hitting few last story missions, and have to kill few PKs, you are usually about level 10-12. So I wrote up short guide where to aim those levels.



Str: mostly affects how far you can throw granade/throwing weapons and how much VP your char will have.

Dex: minor affect your weapon accurity, but largely affects AP points.

Int: minor affect medic/engineer skills, large affect how much exp you get from missions.


Chars (and builds):

Scout(general): Scouts are best at Melee, Hide and Interrupt. Good at Shoot, Throwing and Spot. Very Bad at Snipe, Engineer and Medicine.


Scout(thrower): 10,7,3. First 2 levels use your ability points to throwing speciality and fast throw. Next to points should go Hide in Dark and Night Vision. Your lvl 12 target is Increase Ranged Damage. Good sides this build is that you can sneak and silent kill almoust all opponents, but only way to kill PK is granades. So pick up all chakaras, shurikens and granades when possible.


Scout(melee): 4,10,6. Your lvl12 target is Vanguard and Always Inflict Melee Critical. This build is very difficult at beginning, but later on it can kill PKs.


Scout(scout): 7,3,10. Scout is second best scout at game. Idea this build is that scout spots enemies for rest of team. Start with Hide in Dark and Night Vision, later continue to Ambush(lvl6). Later Look at Free and Fast Crouching are handy.



Sniper(general): Spiners are best at Shooting, Snipe and Spot. Good at Hide and Interrupt. Very Bad at Melee, Burst, Engineer and Medicine.


Sniper(sniper): 2,10,8. I always had one build, even there is 2 possible builds for lvl12 chars. First take Look at Free -ability. After that your first aim is Always Inflict Ranged Critical, and later on spot line to Increase Sight Range. This allows you to do snipe shots so far that enemies cannot see you even after your shot. Problem this build is that weapon familiarity is gained very slowly, and you cannot get best critical - death. Good point is that you one shot kill most normal enemies (head shot) and can slowly kill PKs also (hint: aim legs and bleed them to death).


Sniper(alternative): 2,10,8. This build allows faster weapon switching. First take Night Hunt and then later aim lvl12 target to master sniper. You dont crit so much, but crits are more deadly.



Medic (general): Medic are best at medicine. Good at Shooting and Melee. Very Bad at Burst and Engineering.


Medic(medic): 2,8,10. Medics can be supporting class, working as secondary snipers. First levels aim to... Better Careful Shot. After that start doing Master Medic and Know Enemy Health. If you start doing medicine ability-tree too early, you are not getting medicine exp than you could. Lvl12 aim is Little Blood and Prolong Medical Treatment, so you can keep your soldiers alive.


Engineer(general): Engineers are best at Engineering and good at Shooting. Very Bad at Snipe.


Engineer(PK-driver): 2,8,10. At beginning, keep your engineer Shooting with any weapon, which has good range. First target is Master Engineer. Then Team Spirit, PK technician, Second Skin and Lower PK Noise. When you get sniper-PK, put your engineer to drive it and you will have ultimate enemy-PK-killer.


Engineer(destroyer): 2,8,10. Idea of house terminator. First take Burglar and Fast Skill Growth. Then Increase Shot Range, Aim Before Shoot and Demolition. Equip your engineer with rocket launcher and start terminate the buildings.



Soldier(general): Best at Shooting and Burst. Good at Melee and Interrupt. Very Bad at Snipe, Engineer and Medicine.


Soldier(housecleaner): 9,9,2. I always had housecleaner at my team, cos it so handy. First take Good Shot From Anypose, then Vanguard. At lvl11 you should have controlled long burst, which is enough to kill 2 opponents at opening turn.


Soldier(alternative): At level 12 you can get Reduced Recoil also, which makes great HMG user. Bad thing is that other classes are more efficient at that point.



Granadier(general): Very Good at Shooting and Throwing, Good at Melee. Very Bad at Snipe, Hide and Medicine.


Granadier(thrower): 10,8,2. Your ultimate granadetosser gets its ultimatum at lvl13 - Increase Area Attack Damage. The problem lays that usually granadier has very low int, and not getting very much exp -> getting those 13 levels are very slowly (soldiers has same problem). Althought granadier will save your team with good throwed granades few times during playtime (best record, 6 enemies with one granade).


Special thanks to:

Nival Interactive for developing game.

Bigges to great fan site.

DukDuk, first who told me this game.

..ren, my love.

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  • 5 years later...

One thing has bugged me for a while: character growth. We all know what each class excels at, but what about secondary attributes? For instance, Abala is often touted as a good Sniper. So is he? :) Well, I took a little time this evening to find out. All I did was hire a team with each class represented and then cranked their level up to the max of 124 to compare (Level 125 causes some stats to overflow their variable). Then I copied down the stats and dumped them into an Excel spreadsheet to do some number crunching. Here are the results:


Vitality Points

The Grenadier and the Soldier are the healthiest classes but a Scout comes a close second at 75%. All the remaining characters are about 60% as good.


Action Points

The Scout has the most movement points of any class but Grenadiers Snipers and Soldiers are 85% as good while Engineers and Medics are 75%.



Scouts and Soldiers are tied for the best at evasion while the Grenadier is 80% as good. Following closely is the Sniper at 70% and the Engineer and Medic at 60%.



The Sniper is the best in this category, but Soldiers and Grenadiers are nearly the same too. Engineers, Medics and Scouts are about 75% as good so everyone is decent in shooting.



The Scout is the most proficient in this category while the Grenadier, Medic and Soldier are 75% as good. Engineers are about 50% as good in Melee as a Scout while the Sniper is 30%.



The Grenadier is the best here with a Scout being 75% as good. All the other types are approximately 50%.



The Sniper is the best in this category by a high margin. The next closest unit is the Medic at 50%. Engineers, Grenadiers and Soldiers are all about 30% while the Scout is terrible at 15%.



The Soldier excels in this area the most while Engineers, Grenadiers and Scouts are 50% as good. Medics are about 30% and the Sniper is the worst at 15%.



Scouts hide the best while Snipers aren't too far behind at 75%. Engineers, Medics and Soldiers are 50% as good while a Grenadier is 30%.



This area belongs to the Sniper, but Scouts follow closely at 75%. All the other classes are about 50%.



Unsurprisingly, the Engineer is the clear winner here but Grenadiers may be able to hack it at 50%. Medics and Soldiers are about 30% and the Sniper is 15%.



Just as is expected, Medics are #1 though an Engineer may be able to heal some at 50%. All the other classes are 30%.



Scouts have this one, but Snipers and Soldiers are only 6 points behind. Medics aren't too bad either at 75%. Engineers and Grenadiers are both at 60%.


And here is a table showing the skills. Primary skills are listed as a capital P. There are two types of secondary skills: a strong secondary where the skill is 75% or more of the max represented by a capital S, and a soft secondary where the skill is 50% of the max or more represented by a lowercase s.


		   Shoot	Melee   Throw   Snipe   Burst   Hide   Spot   Engin   Medic   Interr
Engineer	 S		s	   s			   s	   S	  s	  P	   s		s
Grenadier	P		S	   P			   s			  s	  s				s
Medic		S		S	   s	   s			   s	  s			  P		S
Scout		S		P	   S			   s	   P	  S					   P
Sniper	   P				s	   P			   S	  P					   P
Soldier	  P		S	   s			   P	   s	  s					   P

So this is all a very generalized and inexact method of comparing classes, but it gives an idea nonetheless. Obviously, the game has a set of skill modifier coefficients (as seen in the text of the Class Skill Changes mod in our files section), so if anyone knows what they are, please let me know. :P


Oh, and before I forget, Abala (or any medic for that matter) isn't bad as a Sniper. I wouldn't count on him taking over the role of a dedicated sniper, but as a secondary skill medics have little else they excel at besides melee. :)


- Zombie

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I probably should have added a table of the calculated percentages in case anyone was interested so here it is:


Unit		VP's  AP's   Eva  Shoot  Mel Throw  Snip  Burst Hide  Spot   Eng   Med  Inter

Engineer	 59%   74%   60%   75%   51%   51%   29%   51%   50%   54%  100%   53%   64%
Grenadier   100%   85%   80%   99%   76%  100%   28%   54%   27%   51%   50%   27%   64%
Medic		58%   75%   60%   75%   74%   50%   52%   27%   51%   54%   30%  100%   76%
Scout		71%  100%  100%   76%  100%   75%   16%   52%  100%   75%   15%   29%  100%
Sniper	   59%   86%   70%  100%   30%   52%  100%   15%   75%  100%   15%   29%   94%
Soldier	  99%   85%  100%   99%   76%   53%   28%  100%   51%   51%   27%   27%   94%

And the next table has rounded numbers which (I'm guessing) is the anticipated skill coefficients:


Unit		VP's  AP's  Eva  Shoot  Mel  Throw Snip  Burst Hide  Spot  Eng	Med   Inter

Engineer	60%   75%   60%   75%   50%   50%   30%   50%   50%   50%  100%   50%   65%
Grenadier  100%   85%   80%  100%   75%  100%   30%   50%   30%   50%   50%   30%   65%
Medic	   60%   75%   60%   75%   75%   50%   50%   30%   50%   50%   30%  100%   75%
Scout	   70%  100%  100%   75%  100%   75%   15%   50%  100%   75%   15%   30%  100%
Sniper	  60%   85%   70%  100%   30%   50%  100%   15%   75%  100%   15%   30%   95%
Soldier	100%   85%  100%  100%   75%   50%   30%  100%   50%   50%   30%   30%   95%

Again, if anyone knows or has the actual skill coefficients from the game, please share. Then we could nail these percentages down exactly. :P


- Zombie

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  • 6 months later...
Again, if anyone knows or has the actual skill coefficients from the game, please share. Then we could nail these percentages down exactly. :D

Success! I had to look in the editor manual for the general location (RPG Settings --> Classes) but even then I couldn't find the "Resources Layout" menu. Finally found it under View --> Select Resource Tabs. So here is an updated table which reflects the actual coefficient values:


Unit		VP's  AP's* Eva* Shoot  Mel  Throw Snip  Burst Hide  Spot  Eng	Med  Inter

Engineer	60%	15   60%   75%   50%   50%   25%   50%   50%   50%  100%   50%   50%
Grenadier  100%	18   80%  100%   75%  100%   25%   50%   25%   50%   50%   25%   50%
Medic	   60%	15   60%   75%   75%   50%   50%   25%   50%   50%   25%  100%   60%
Scout	   75%	20  100%   75%  100%   75%   10%   50%  100%   75%   10%   25%   80%
Sniper	  60%	16   70%  100%   25%   50%  100%   10%   75%  100%   10%   25%   75%
Soldier	100%	19  100%  100%   75%   50%   25%  100%   50%   50%   25%   25%   75%

AP's aren't given as a percentage, it is just a raw number between 15 and 20. Not sure what is up there. Evasion isn't a stat listed in the editor so I just included the values from my previous table. Perhaps Evasion is a calculated stat in-game? Finally, there is an IC stat listed. What it is, I don't know. It's included below as a percentage for the halibut (aka hell-of-it). :)


Unit		 IC  

Engineer	 30%
Grenadier	40%
Medic		30%
Scout		50%
Sniper	   35%
Soldier	  50%

As you can see, the anticipated table in my previous post was nearly spot on. Swap the 30% to 25% and the 15% to 10% and it's basically the same. Amazing what a little calculating can glean from a game, eh? ;) You may point out that my previous Interrupt coefficients were way off. In one respect they were because I was assuming the highest value was 100. In fact it is actually 80. Proportionally though, I came really close - the Int (P) column:


Unit		 Int (Ant)   Int (P)   Int (Act)

Engineer	   65%		 52%	   50%
Grenadier	  65%		 52%	   50%
Medic		  75%		 60%	   60%
Scout		 100%		 80%	   80%
Sniper		 95%		 76%	   75%
Soldier		95%		 76%	   75%

And when I back-calculate using the true values as the given and keeping the 100% as the new coefficient, I come to values which nearly match my calculated numbers. Any differences are explained by simple rounding.


Wow, I didn't think I'd ever get this finished, and I'm really happy I found the values in the editor. :)


- Zombie

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Here's the updated skill table. Not a whole lot of changes (which is good) except for the Interrupt.


Unit	    VP's Shoot Mel Throw Snip Burst Hide Spot Eng Med Inter

Engineer		   s	 S	 s	 s	 -	 s	 s	 s    P	 s	 s
Grenadier		  P	 P	 S	 P	 -	 s	 -	 s    s	 -	 s
Medic			  s	 S	 S	 s	 s	 -	 s	 s    -	 P	 s
Scout			  S	 S	 P	 S	 -	 s	 P	 S    -	 -	 S
Sniper			 s	 P	 -	 s	 P	 -	 S	 P    -	 -	 S
Soldier		    P	 P	 S	 s	 -	 P	 s	 s    -	 -	 S


I was just looking at this table and wondered which was the stronger class, so I gave each primary a value of 3, a strong secondary as 2 and a weak secondary as 1 then added the numbers up. Surprisingly, the Soldier is the strongest with a total value of 16. Then it's a three-way tie with Grenadiers, Snipers and Scouts having a total of 15. The Medic and Engineer bring up the rear each with a total of 13. The most rounded unit is the Engineer who only has one skill which isn't a primary or a secondary. The Sniper is the least diverse class having 4 super weak skills. Lots of interesting comparisons can be made I guess. tongue.png


- Zombie

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  • 1 year later...

Dear Zombie,

My brother is in prison but he used to play Silent Storm and he loved it! He loved the game so much that he wants to turn it into a D&D kind of game (Because he don't have access to computer and internet in prison), but he needs a lot of information, detailed information, to make the game. And I'm kind of busy and everything. So I can't spend too much time surfing through the internet and find all the information he needs. But I spend enough time to come across your posts and noticed that you're a very dedicated and intelligent player. So I was wondering if you could be so kind and help me out with the following questions? I can't express how much of a help that would be! Thank you very very VERY much!!!


1. Please give me the formulas of how they calculate the Accuracies and Damages and the Experiences.

2. Please give me the "detailed" table of all the weapons. Damage, range, ammunitions, everything!

3. Please give me the "detailed" information of all the skills.


Your help will be the greatest!!! Thank you very much, again!!! :P

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